Matt Corby : Monday

AH! My favorite man is back in action! Matt Corby just released his latest single, “Monday”, about a month ago, and just a week ago dropped this beautiful live rendition of it (all filmed in one take). His skill will likely never cease to amaze me and I am genuinely grinning at my computer as I watch this because I can only anticipate what is to come. Check it out if you want to give your ears a treat.

Concert Review : PHOX


Artist: Matt Bishop,Trails and Ways, PHOX

Date: July 6, 2014

Location: The Crocodile

Let’s just say that I think I’ve waited my whole life for this concert. What resulted in a four hour show, proved only to feel like a twenty minute show. And though I do tend to say this after many shows, I truly do believe that this was all-around, my favorite show thus far…and let me break down my reasoning for you:

Firstly, the show was $10, and it was the kind of show that is probably the epitome of an indie show. Instead of tickets with the show description (or basically any indication that it was a concert) they gave out raffle tickets as a substitute and there was no traffic of people to push through once doors opened. With that being said, I was about front row on the Under 21 side (so equivalent to second row on the right side, approximately).

Kicking off what would amount to a killer evening in a small Seattle venue, Matt Bishop (of Hey Marseilles) took the stage. I definitely wish I could have listened to more of Bishop’s solo work. I love Hey Marseilles as much as the next guy, but I was pleasantly surprised to hear only Matt Bishop and his guitar. Bishop’s voice is much smoother and fuller live and gives a pretty different feel than when you hear Hey Marseilles on recording. Of course, he carefully intertwined Hey Marseilles work with his own, consistently laughing at the pessimistic tone of them all because “that’s all I know how to write…I’m really a very happy guy, but writing sad songs is the only thing I’m good at”. But never had any complaints with the mood of his melodies and knew he was right when he said that that was his strength and easily enjoyed the rest of his performance.

After Bishop was Trails and Ways. I feel that I am pretty well-prepared for most concerts I attend in the sense that I know all of the bands and artists playing, or that I have at least done a little research if they are completely unknown to me. I knew that Matt Bishop was opening but Trails and Ways blindsided me. A small eclectic band from Berkley, CA, these guys completely blew me away (as well as the members of PHOX, who were standing just a dozen feet away from me in the audience?!). Trails and Ways reminded me of a five-man band version of Youth Lagoon, but more upbeat and less moody. And when the mic broke and the technical difficulties began, the corny jokes were made with no hesitation. I began to like these guys more and more. As sad as I was to see them go after their last song, I could hardly contain myself for what was to come.

Though I had predicted differently, PHOX kicked off their set with “Shrinking Violets” and I already knew I was a goner. With each song I knew I was falling in deeper and deeper, and I reached the ultimate, concert-ear-gasmic point when PHOX played “Satyr and the Faun”, and couldn’t do much more than stand there in momentary bliss, attempting to take it all in. Throughout the entire show, Monica Martin kept apologizing for the awkwardness or the mistakes or this or that, but not in the way that frustrates you, but in the way that validates their authenticity; a band that is so raw that they’re here, up on stage, giggling at their mistakes, restarting songs and laughing in the middle of chorus lines because they are still so shocked at what they are doing. And that is what I like best about them, and truly don’t think that much else could get close to pinpointing the experience, because I think it was not only the band’s talent but also that their personality that made the experience, not the specific setlist or venue or minor details.



P.S. Being the stellar bands and artists that they are, all three stuck around after the show and I got to have a quick chat with Matt Bishop, make acquaintances with Keith of Trails and Ways and nearly pee my pants while holding a conversation with Monica Martin.

ALSO, rarely do I make picture collages (I find them too overwhelming and distracting) but being the indecisive person that I am, I made one…so let me decode it for you: top left is Trails and Ways, bottom left is PHOX, top right is Keith of Trails and Ways and I, middle right is Monica Martin and bottom right is Monica and I.

The Next Local Natives


[ Owl Paws – CARRY ON ]

These guys are cool. Like the “we live in San Francisco, but thought we’d drive all the way up to Seattle in a van and play at a tiny house show on a Wednesday night” kind of cool. While reuniting with some old high school friends and several people that I’d never met before, Owl Paws kicked off the party. Just three dudes (though typically four); one on snare, one on guitar and one on an upright bass.

Immediately these guys stole my attention. The vocals – as well as style and facial hair – had an uncanny resemblance to Taylor Rice (aka the lead singer in Local Natives). Their music flowed in a similar manner to that of Local Natives in the sense that it was incredibly well harmonized, lively and had poetic lyrics that did more than just accompany the tune. These guys were also pretty entertaining to watch with each member dancing in their own little way. Though their albums are killer, I don’t think anything will beat seeing them live.

After – obviously – thoroughly stalking the band on most social media platforms, I was pretty surprised to find that they had less followers than I expected. But what’s a number really mean anyway? These guys are getting out there, and I’m telling’ ya, there gonna get big some day…they’re too good not to.


P.S. Big shocker, I can’t ever pick just one song, so I posted their latest album. Favorite tracks: The Fields, Croak and Sunrise.

Golden Halls


[ Adolescent – Golden Halls EP ]

I’m back for good! No more long delays any time soon, and I’ve got a sweet little EP to share with you guys to help kick summer into gear. A friend of mine showed me this several weeks ago and it wasn’t until now that I realized I never passed it on. Rarely do I find myself listening to just an individual song off of this EP because it flows together so well that I always find myself listening to the entire thing. These tunes make for chill evenings and night drives and are always enjoyable. So I thought there’d be no better time to introduce you guys to the fine solo work of Alex Parish that is Adolescent.


Favorite track: Golden Halls Pt. 2

James Vincent McMorrow : West Coast (Lana Del Rey cover)

I feel like I’ve had to make this apology quite a few times in the past couple of months, but once again, sorry for the delay. The insanity of finals week, moving out and now leaving home yet again, typically results in reorganizing my priorities. However! This video is an absolute gem. Obviously, James is one of my all-time favorite guys and hearing him cover Lana, leaves us with a pretty kickass cover. So while I may be late time to time on keepin’ you guys updated, I figured that this less-than-a-day-old cover would begin to make up for it.

Also…I figured I’d actually give you a heads up this time, and let y’all know that for about the next week and a half I’ll be out of the country, so let this lil’ piece of gold resonate in the time being.

Jack Johnson : Angel / Better Together

Let’s just say that the only thing that can get me through Week 10 and finals while 80 degree weather teases me outside is Jack Johnson. He creates the perfect mix for studying and enjoying what is soon to be summer. So needless to say, with the combo of beautiful weather and excessive cramming, I’ve found myself in a pretty extreme Jack Johnson phase. Obviously, I had listened to him before, but this time I’m in deep. Digging through the classics as well as the underrated oldies of Jack Johnson, my friend showed me this hidden gem. Before really getting to know his stuff I had told her how “Better Together” was my favorite (like many, many others, I’m sure). She tried explaining how he flawless the tied two songs together, and while I didn’t doubt his capabilities, I knew I had to listen to it to believe it. So I will spare you the time of attempting to explain the way in which he intertwines the two and instead will tell ya to start listening now if you haven’t.

Late to the Game


[ Vampire Weekend – Hannah Hunt ]

Well, first off, let me say that I’ve reached a new low point regarding the fact that I am delivering this song to you as a YouTube video. Perhaps the term “video” is too kind, seeing as there is not much to see, but Soundcloud let me down and I have listened to this song too much in the past few days for me to not make some sort of post about it. But that aside, today, this song is perfect. I was never really a fan of this album when it first came out, however, over time I found myself enjoying the album more. But for some reason this song always sticks around in my mind and one that I never entirely get sick of. Yesterday was the first time that I genuinely just listened to this song. So perhaps everyone has already had this reaction and I’m just late…but for the time being, I find this song flawless. And I decided that even if the only way I can share this song with you is through some lame YouTube video, it would still be worth it. So though this is no new find, or some mysterious new experimental artist, I ask you to take a couple minutes to just sit and listen, and to enjoy the song for what it is.

Running With Scissors Through a Theory of Strings


[ E• Noon – Cashville ]

Thanks to Cold Fingers (I’ve posted them a couple times before, definitely give ’em a listen), I found E• Noon. From what I can tell these guys are brand new. This is the only song of them that I know and it was only posted a day ago. I can easily see where their sound overlaps with that of Cold Fingers. The two have a lot of commonalities, though E• Noon appears to be more rap-based. The listening is easy and the lyrics are poetic, if you listen closely. Hopefully, you’ll dig this brand new gem, and if we’re lucky, we’ll get to hear more of the mysterious E• Noon in the days to come.